Thursday, July 14, 2016

How to Lose Weight With the Paleo Diet

The Paleo or Paleolithic diet is based on what humans ate in the Paleolithic age. People were simple hunter-gatherers at that time. They ate whatever they found or killed. They would seldom eat big meals - with the possible exception of meat if they managed to kill a big animal. Food was never stored or preserved. Everything was eaten raw and fresh. It is not known if they cooked their meat or not.

How to Lose Weight

The Paleo Diet Rules Out All Grains, Refined Foods and Sugars

The Paleolithic people did not plant any foods. Grains were unheard of. There were no high carbohydrate foods except fruit or berries, and those were only eaten in season. In our age, the majority of our calories come from grains and refined foods. If we cut out all grains and refined foods from our diets, our calorie intake would probably be halved. This alone would guarantee weight loss.

The Paleo Diet Rules Out All Trans Fats and Fried Foods

The only fats that Paleo people ate were those in the meat or fish they hunted. There is evidence that they always ate all the fat of the animals they caught. But, there were no grain-fed meats available then so meats were less fatty. Fish fats are good because they contained little to no saturated fats. Pasture fed animal fat would also be acceptable. All trans fats and hydrolyzed fats are out. You can eat a little butter if need be.

The Paleo Diet Does not Include Dairy. Dairy products were unknown as there were not yet domesticated animals and farming. The use of dairy products should be kept to a minimum, if possible only using dairy products from pasture fed animals.

The Paleo Diet Includes Plenty of:
  • Vegetables and herbs. Leafy vegetables and herbs are packed full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These give resistance to disease and keep you healthy. Your Paleo diet should include a good variety of leafy vegetables, preferably organic, and eaten raw.
  • Plenty of fish and meat - all pasture fed. All the organs as well as the meat and fat were eaten. Your diet should include sufficient proteins in the form of pasture fed animals and fish
  • Eggs, nuts, fruits were allowed in the Paleo Diet
The Paleo Lifestyle:

Apart from the diet, the Paleo lifestyle would include plenty of exercise while seeking for food, small frequent meals were eaten as they went along. To lose weight and keep trim, it is necessary to begin an exercise program if you have not already done so. Exercise builds muscle while burning fat.

Some tips for succeeding with the Paleo Diet for Weight Loss include:
  • Always plan ahead, make sure you have the correct food types available so you are not tempted to cheat.
  • Eat small frequent meals before you get hungry
  • Never starve yourself
  • You choose your own foods at your local supermarket
  • Your rule of thumb should be, if it can be picked or hunted, it is healthy. This helps you to make rapid judgments as to what is good and what is not.
If you are overweight, following the Paleo diet is a guarantee for losing weight. All the sugary, refined foods, junk foods and fries that cause us to gain weight, are eliminated and replaced by the healthy high quantities of fruits, vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, nuts, eggs and proteins. All these foods are low calorie and do not contribute to obesity, even when eaten in larger quantities. The Paleo Diet is not really a diet, it should become a way of life so that after losing your excess weight, you will maintain your weight and your lean and trim figure.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely - Quick, Safe & Easy Secrets

Learning how to lose weight quickly and safely is the smartest and most effective way to lose weight By aiming to lose weight safely you will learn how to do it with your health in mind and also in a way that allows you to keep the weight off. Losing weight safely means no quick fix pills and no starvation diets. These will not help you lose weight quickly and will lead to long term health issues.

Lose Weight Quickly

Can I lose weight quickly as well as safely?

Of course you can. The key to quick weight loss lies in your diet. Your diet will ultimately effect how much weight you lose, how quickly you will lose it and how long you will keep it off. This really is how to lose weight quickly and safely. Diet well and you will be looking great in no time guaranteed.

Why is diet so important?

Weight loss is achieved through creating a calorie deficit in your body. That is the difference in the amount of calories burnt during the day and the amount of calories you put into your body. Your calorie intake is obviously your diet. But don't think you can simply limit this through eating less and lose weight To successfully lose weight quickly you need a diet in a way that you will enjoy and be able to maintain.

What sort of diet?

Do not follow low carb/low fat diets. This is not how to lose weight quickly and safely! To put it simply they make your life miserable and hence impossible to maintain. As humans we cannot keep doing things we hate doing. You need to be eating healthy nutritious foods such as vegetables, meats, fruits and carbohydrates in a way that you like. This means cooking these foods the right way and mixing them together to create a diet that you will love while melting fat from your body

So eat diet in a way that you like with the foods that you like based around weight loss. This is the basis of how to lose weight quickly and safely. With this you can maintain the diet for as long as you like and therefore look stunning in the short and long term.

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Sunday, July 3, 2016

How to Exercise to Lose Weight Quickly and Painlessly

Working out is a vital ingredient of any weight loss routine. But with hectic schedules, every one wants to identify how to exercise to lose weight quickly.

Lose Weight Quickly

Generally, there are two kinds of workouts: aerobic and strength training and each contributes in a different way to weight loss. Aerobic exercise burns fat calories as you are engaged in the exercise itself. With strength training it mainly contributes to fat loss by helping to boost the rate of your inactive metabolic rate, which is the amount of calories your body burns as you are resting. Your metabolic rate in fact increases (i.e., burns more calories) the more muscle your body has since it takes a great deal more vigor to sustain muscles than it does to preserve fat.

Here are 4 tips for workouts - both aerobic and strength training - you can use in your house to drop weight fast.

Tip #1: Squat Reps: Your butt and leg muscles are the biggest muscles in your body. Daily facing the mirror, place your feet at shoulder width while front ways and squat up and down 10-20 times for 2 to 3 sets. This will construct your leg and buttock muscles. As you increase power, try holding a 2 to 5 pound dumbbell in your hand as you exercise. Be certain to warm up first, and discontinue if you observe any quick pain in your knees.

Tip #2: Using Pushups: Pushups are a type of strength training: throughout a pushup your arms have to hold up to 70% of your body mass. Do 2 or 3 sets of 20 pushups to create arm power and add to your metabolism rate.

Tip #3: Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks are an outstanding entire-body aerobic exercise you can use right from home. Do 4 or 5 sets of 20 jumping jacks, or as desired. Hint: if you reside in an apartment or live in a second-story bedroom, be thoughtful of your neighbors by going outside or doing these in a first story area.

Tip #4: Quick walking: Because walking is in itself a fantastic aerobic workout, rapid walking is even better for burning fat. Make certain you actually stretch first and warm up with normal walking. Once you begin your quicker walking pace, aim to sustain as much speed as achievable for as long as you can. If you get worn-out, try doing intervals of fast walking followed by small periods of slower walking.

An essential part in an approach for how to exercise to lose weight quickly at home is to do a mixture of workouts that erect muscles (strength training) while burning fat (aerobic workouts). Begin a schedule of a good number or all of these exercises 2-3 days a week and observe the harmful fat disappear.

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